How to Identify the Right Audience for Telemarketing
Screen behind heri work for the partnerships team at zapier, which means that I'm a . Marketer—but a marketer that needs a lot of support from our product and engineering teams . To make things happen. I want to be sure we can offer the features our . Partners want, prioritize new strategic integrations, and continue to improve our partner platform. Automate your . Marketingstreamline your processes, minimize recurring tasks, and increase roi.Get free ebooki know from experience that . It can be challenging, as a marketer, to influence your company's product roadmap.But one . Thing I've found helpful is to proactively schedule and malta dataset lead meetings with stakeholders across marketing, . Engineering, and product. Instead of just putting in a request, you're taking charge and making . A strong case for your ask.Here, I'll walk you through how I handle these kinds . Of meetings, from the initial planning through to the follow-up. I'll include step-by-step stakeholder communication, . Some templates for information sharing, and tips for making sure things run smoothly.Gathering intel from . A key stakeholderbefore you schedule a meeting with a broader group, you want to be .
Sure you have as much information as possible about the folks you'll be requesting resources . From. I recommend finding one person from the product or engineering side who can give . You the context you need. Ideally it's an enabler, someone who can offer internal visibility . For the project and hopefully be a champion for your team. Book a prep session . With this person. (it's a lot of meetings, I know, but if it can get . You on the product roadmap, it's worth the time.) the main goal of this prep .